Department of Automation - Scientific activities

Scientific activities

The research profile of the department is essentially very similar to the educational profile in that the education and research areas of the lecturer-researcher members overlap with each other. The R&D activity of the department covers the following areas:

  • Research of safety-certification problems of electronic safety equipment in rail-mounted transport systems,
  • Application technological research and development of programmable logical controllers (PLC-s),
  • Research of performance electronic and variable structure systems (resonant converters),
  • Research-development of energy storage and recuperation systems that are applicable in traffic,
  • Research of delay insensitive asynchronous logic circuits and systems,
  • Designing of VLSI circuits and FPGA applications.
  • Fuzzy model identification and evolutionary algorithms,
  • Communicating mobile robots and intelligent assistant robots
  • Architecture of embedded systems.
  • Numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields.