Department of Automation - Research projects

Research projects

• "Analysis Tool for engine electronics"

  • Duration: Sept. 27, 2013 - Sept. 3, 2014
  • Budget: 24.188 EUR
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Miklós Kuczmann PhD, full professor

Research subject

There was a request from AHM to design an on-board device for sensor simulation and to power various inductive loads with a 12V power supply.

The proposed power supply satisfies the prescribed functional requirements based on the calculations and simulation results. Based on the specified parameters, only the Buck-Boost converter topology could be suitable with the disadvantage that the output is not able to produce 0V, so a post regulator had to be added to the system.

Minimizing the voltage follower channels and voltage swings the minimum difference between the converter output and the post regulator output could be reached, thus limiting power losses of the regulators.

Regarding the control loop point of view we must consider the stability limits and amend the regulatory circuit components but these terms do not affect the correct operation of this device.

We prepared the PCB circuit from the schematics and the physical parts of the device. From the given external dimensions we produced the enclosure of the device and the user and display interfaces were implemented.

  • Electromagnetic field simulation utilizing numerical methods

The aim of this research area is solving problems of the electrical engineering practice using various numerical methods. These methods are the finite element method, the finite difference method and the method of moment. By using one of them it can solve the low or high frequency problems. Another important research field is the more accurate modelling of the hysteresis of the equipment materials. It also includes the measurement and the identification of the hysteresis characteristic of the materials. In addition, it allows a faster solution to the problem and a reduced computation time, which is very important. Related to this, the domain decomposition methods and the decomposition of the equation system are the main focus of our research.

  • Power Electronic Circuit Design

The design of the powertrain of the university’s electric vehicle that has a PMS motor, which is powered by lithium-ion batteries. For an operation of this kind of battery pack with a built-in monitoring and management system is necessary. This BMS design and production support has been done in the autumn and spring semesters of the year 2013/2014. In addition we simultaneously work on a motor controller design for PMS motors, which provide modularity to fitting different power amplifiers and extending the power range.

  • Analysis and modelling of the electric machines and the electric actuators

The main goal is the design and simulation of the electric actuators of electric vehicles, which are developed for the electric car of the Research Centre of Vehicle Industry. For the appropriate design and simulation, a necessary modern numerical method, which in this case is the finite element method, is needed. However, the simulation of the electric actuator is not enough for accurate modelling. The accurate modelling includes the numerical model of the actuator with a corresponding control. The main research in this field, the finite element model of the actuator is inserted into the control loop, thereby facilitating the accurate control design and the simulation of the whole system.

  • Programmable logic controllers and microcontrollers

In the field of programmable logic controller (PLC), the department is focused on the remote access, the opportunity of the remote programming, and the vulnerabilities of these systems. Closely linked to this field is the object oriented LAD programming, within that finding the objects, and the programming of these objects in LAD language. In addition, an important role is the setup of the process visualisation and its guidelines in which the research area such as MSc lecture is also presented in the education.